Documentation Mercado Libre

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Last update 22/12/2023

Envios Flex

Currently, this shipping method is available to sellers in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru and Ecuador.

Envios Flex is a service that allows sellers to handle shipping on their own, seven days a week. It integrates same day or next day shipments to improve delivery deadlines and increase market penetration. With Envios Flex, sellers are able to have more control and tracking capabilities over their shipments, offering their customers a faster and more efficient service.
Learn more about the benefits of Envios Flex, how Envios Flex works and how to activate Flex for sellers. In addition, if the seller also offers Full shipments, learn how to offer Flex and Full shipments in the same listing and about the Stock management for the coexistence of Full and Flex.

  • It is crucial to respect the 1000 rpm limit on all requests to Flex resources. Respecting that limit guarantees an efficient and equitable use of available resources.
  • The Envios Flex app by Mercado Libre is necessary to scan the deliveries and complete the routes. However, it is not available for integrations, so logistics companies will have to adapt.

Coverage areas by countries

To be able to offer Envios Flex, the seller’s delivery address must be enabled for one of the coverage areas by country:

Country Coverage
Argentina - AMBA (Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires)
- Córdoba
Brazil - São Paulo
- Rio de Janeiro
- Brasília
- Belo Horizonte
- Porto Alegre
- Salvador Bahia
- Curitiba
Mexico - CDMX (Valle de México Metropolitan Area)
- Mérida
Chile - Santiago (Metropolitan Area)
- Valparaíso
Colombia - Bogotá
- Medellín
- Cali
Uruguay - Montevideo
- Canelones
Peru - Lima (Metropolitan Area)
Ecuador - Quito

Set up a test user

To set up the Envios Flex functionality for test users, please consider the following:

1. Log in to the account in which you want to enable Envios Flex.
2. Make sure the account has listings active on ME2.
3. Verify that your account has yellow or green reputation.
4. Make sure you have a delivery address compatible with the coverage area of your country.
5. Set up the delivery address according to the coverage areas in the corresponding countries.
6. Activate Envios Flex for the account.

Once you complete these steps, you should be able to use Envios Flex as a test user.

    It is recommended to create a new user test with the new configuration to test this updated flow.

Check user's subscriptions

This endpoint allows you to check the subscriptions a user has.

  • If the user only activated Flex, they will have just one subscription.
  • If the user also activated Turbo, they will have two subscriptions, since that, to be able to activate Turbo, the user must first have Flex active.
  • A subscription is created when a buyer starts using Envios Flex in any mode.
  • In the context of subscriptions, each one of them has a unique identifier called service_id. This identifier is key to be able to access the subscription settings and make changes in it. For this case, the one that will be used will be the service_id of the Flex mode.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/users/$USER_ID/subscriptions/v1


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


        "id": 111181,
        "site_id": "MLA",
        "user_id": 1438865529,
        "mode": "FLEX",
        "configuration_type": {
            "coverage": "zone",
            "delivery": "custom"
        "service_id": 736230,
        "status": {
            "id": "in",
        "creation_date": "2023-08-02T06:34:40Z"
        "id": 111183,
        "site_id": "MLA",
        "user_id": 1438865529,
        "mode": "TURBO",
        "configuration_type": {
            "coverage": "radius",
            "delivery": "accurate" 
        "service_id": 738216,
        "status": {
            "id": "in",
        "creation_date": "2023-08-02T06:35:30Z"

Response parameters:

id: unique subscription ID.
site_id: country identifier.
user_id: user ID.
mode: type of subscription ("Flex" in this case).
configuration_type: type of subscription settings ("Flex" in this case).
configuration_type.coverage: type of coverage. type of delivery.
service_id: ID of the service linked to the subscription.
status: subscription status. types of subscription statuses:

  • in: the subscription is active. In this status, the user can change their settings and receive delivery orders for the subscription mode.
  • out: the subscription is not active. In this status, the user cannot change the settings.
  • pending: the subscription is pending activation. In this status the user can change their settings although they will not receive orders to complete deliveries.
creation_date: subscription creation date.

Response status codes:

Código Message Description Recommendation
200 - OK - The settings were successfully updated -
400 - Bad Request empty site id Empty site_id Validate site_id.
400 - Bad Request invalid site_id Invalid site_id Validate if the site_id is enabled for Envios Flex.
400 - Bad Request can't access to resource Invalid site_id Validate if the site_id is enabled for Envios Flex.
404 - Not Found user not found The user does not exist Validate the user_id.

Check the subscription settings

This endpoint allows you to check the settings of the subscriptions that a user has, in this case for Flex.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/configuration/v3


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

  "query": "{ configuration (user_id: 1438865529, service_id: 736230) { address { id address_line city { id name } zip_code } subscription { site_id user_id service_id status { id } creation_date training_times { original { value unit } remaining { value unit } activation_date } } delivery_window is_moderated delivery_ranges { week { capacity type processing_time from to et_hour calculated_cutoff } saturday { capacity type processing_time from to et_hour calculated_cutoff } sunday { capacity type processing_time from to et_hour calculated_cutoff } } working_days zones { enabled id is_mandatory label neighborhoods price { cents currency_id decimal_separator fraction symbol } selected } availables { cutoff apacity_range { from to } ranges } disabled_features } }"


    "configuration": {
        "address": {
            "address_line": "Testing Street 1450",
            "city": {
                "id": "TUxBQlNBQTM3Mzda",
                "name": "Saavedra"
            "id": "1316123989",
            "zip_code": "1430"
        "availables": {
          "capacity_range":  {
            "from": 1,
            "to": 50
            "cutoff": [
            "ranges": [
        "delivery_ranges": {
            "saturday": null,
            "sunday": null,
            "week": [
                    "calculated_cutoff": 14,
                    "capacity": 30,
                    "et_hour": 14,
                    "from": 12,
                    "processing_time": 0,
                    "to": 21,
                    "type": "cpt"
        "delivery_window": "same_day",
        "disabled_features": [
        "is_moderated": false,
        "subscription": {
            "creation_date": "2023-08-02T06:34:40Z",
            "service_id": 736230,
            "site_id": "MLA",
            "status": {
                "id": "in"
            "training_times": null,
            "user_id": 1438865529
        "working_days": [
        "zones": [
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Almirante_Brown",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Almirante Brown",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Avellaneda",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Avellaneda",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Berazategui",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Berazategui",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "CABA",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "CABA",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1114",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": true
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Esteban_Echeverria",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Esteban Echeverría",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Ezeiza",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Ezeiza",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Florencio_Varela",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Florencio Varela",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Hurlingham",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Hurlingham",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Ituzaingo",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Ituzaingó",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Jose_C_Paz",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "José C Paz",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Lanus",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Lanús",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Lomas_de_Zamora",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Lomas de Zamora",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Malvinas_Argentinas",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Malvinas Argentinas",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "La_Matanza_1",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "La Matanza Norte",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "La_Matanza_2",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "La Matanza Sur",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Merlo",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Merlo",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Moreno",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Moreno",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Moron",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Morón",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Quilmes",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Quilmes",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "San_Fernando",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "San Fernando",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "San_Isidro",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "San Isidro",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "San_Martin",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "San Martín",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "San_Miguel",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "San Miguel",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Tigre",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Tigre",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "2409",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Tres_De_Febrero",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Tres de Febrero",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false
                "enabled": true,
                "id": "Vicente_Lopez",
                "is_mandatory": false,
                "label": "Vicente López",
                "neighborhoods": [],
                "price": {
                    "cents": "99",
                    "currency_id": "ARS",
                    "decimal_separator": ".",
                    "fraction": "1769",
                    "symbol": "$"
                "selected": false

Response parameters:

address: information about the user’s address.
availables: contains information about the capacities, cut-offs and ranges available for service.

  • availables.capacity_range: Range of values for capacity.
  • availables.cutoff: details of the available cut-offs.
  • availables.ranges: details of the available ranges.
delivery_ranges: contains information about the capacities, cut-offs and ranges available for week days.
  • delivery_ranges.saturday: delivery ranges and capacity for Saturdays.
  • delivery_ranges.sunday: delivery ranges and capacity for Sundays.
  • delivery_ranges.week: delivery ranges and capacity for week days.
delivery_window: the type of service for the delivery. The possible values are same_day or next_day.

disabled_features: characteristics disabled for the service, including CUTOFF_BY_ZONE and CAPACITY_BY_DAY..
is_moderated: indicates if the service is moderated (true/false).
subscription: information about the user’s subscription.
working_days: available working days.
zones: information about the areas available for the service.

  • zones.selected: indicates if the area is selected (true/false).

Response status codes:

Código Mensagem Descrição Recomendação
200 - OK - The settings were successfully updated. -
400 - Bad Request empty site id Empty site_id. Validate the site_id.
400 - Bad Request invalid site_id Invalid site_id. Validate if the site_id is enabled for Envios Flex.
400 - Bad Request can't access to resource Invalid site_id. Validate if the site_id is enabled for Envios Flex.
400 - Bad Request invalid JSON body Invalid JSON. Validate the query scheme in place.
400 - Bad Request failed to create schema in graphql operation Invalid GraphQL for the defined scheme. Validate the query scheme in place.
400 - Bad Request invalid query Invalid GraphQL for the defined scheme. Validate the query scheme in place.
404 - Not Found Invalid GraphQL for the defined scheme. There is no subscription to Envios Flex for the combination of user_id and service_id sent. Validate the user_id and service_id at the endpoint.
404 - Not Found user not found The user does not exist. Validate the user_id.

This endpoint is used to validate the attributes with their possible values. If you wish to change or modify any of these attributes, it is recommended to use the endpoints described in Configure Delivery Time and Shipping Limit or Expand Flex Coverage Area.

Set up deadline and shipping limit

Through this endpoint, it is possible to set up different aspects for Envios Flex like:

  • Delivery date window
  • Delivery time ranges
  • Cut-off time
  • Shipping limits


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/users/$USER_ID/services/$SERVICE_ID/configuration/delivery/custom/v3


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

        "delivery_window": "same_day",
        "delivery_ranges": {
            "week": [
                    "from": 12,
                    "to": 21,
                    "capacity": 44,
                    "cutoff": 16
            "saturday": [
                    "from": 12,
                    "to": 21,
                    "capacity": 33,
                    "cutoff": 14
            "sunday": [
                    "from": 12,
                    "to": 21,
                    "capacity": 33,
                    "cutoff": 14

  • The delivery_window is always required when changing any settings.
  • The Delivery Time Ranges for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays indicate from what time (from) and to what time (to) shipments are made. These values must be sent in:
  • - delivery_ranges.week.from and
    - delivery_ranges.saturday.from and (if working on Saturdays)
    - delivery_ranges.sunday.from and (if working on Sundays)
    - The from and to are always required when changing any settings.

  • The Capacity (delivery limit) value must be sent in:
  • - delivery_ranges.week.capacity
    - delivery_ranges.saturday.capacity (if working on Saturdays)
    - delivery_ranges.sunday.capacity (if working on Sundays)
    - Currently, the API only supports the same value for the 3 cases.

  • The General Cut-off value must be sent in:

- delivery_ranges.week.cutoff
- delivery_ranges.saturday.cutoff (if working on Saturdays)
- delivery_ranges.sunday.cutoff (if working on Sundays)
- The cut-off is always required when changing any settings.

Response status codes:

Código Message Description Recommendation
200 - OK - The settings were successfully updated. -
400 - Bad Request invalid user_id Invalid user_id. Validate the user_id (must be an integer).
400 - Bad Request invalid service_id Invalid service_id. Validate the service_id (must be an integer).
400 - Bad Request invalid JSON body Invalid JSON. Validate the query scheme in place.
404 - Not Found can't update delivery custom The settings update could not be completed because there is no subscription to Envios Flex for the combination of user_id and service_id sent. Validate the user_id and service_id at the endpoint.

Expand Flex coverage area

This endpoint allows you to add more coverage areas for Envios Flex.


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/users/$USER_ID/services/$SERVICE_ID/configuration/coverage/zone/v3


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

  "zones": [
      "id": "Almirante_Brown"
      "id": "Avellaneda"
      "id": "CABA" 

Response status codes:

Código Message Description Recommendation
200 - OK - The settings were successfully updated. -
400 - Bad Request invalid user_id Invalid user_id. Validate the user_id (must be an integer).
400 - Bad Request invalid service_id Invalid service_id. Validate the service_id (must be an integer).
400 - Bad Request invalid JSON body Invalid JSON. Validate the query scheme in place.
404 - Not Found can't update delivery custom The settings update could not be completed because there is no subscription to Envios Flex for the combination of user_id and service_id sent. Validate the user_id and service_id at the endpoint.

To add or delete Flex zones, you must use the PUT method and send the corresponding list of zones.

Check Flex in the item

This endpoint allows you to check if the item is enabled for Envios Flex or not.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/shipping/selfservice/items/$ITEM_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


Status: 204 No Content

Response status codes:

Código Message Description Recommendation
204 - No Content - Item enabled for Envios Flex. -
403 - Forbidden item down Item does not offer Envios Flex. Validate the shipping methods of the item.
404 - Not Found item not found The country is disabled for Envios Flex. Validate the countries with Envios Flex.

The /items endpoint provides relevant information about the item, such as:
  • The tags attribute, which provides additional details about whether the item has Envios Flex active (self_service_in) or not (self_service_out).

Activate Flex in the item

This endpoint allows you to activate the option of Envios Flex for the item.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/shipping/selfservice/items/$ITEM_ID


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


Status: 204 No Content

Response status codes:

Código Message Description Recommendation
204 - No Content - Item successfully updated to offer Envios Flex. -
400 - Bad Request item is already in flex Item already has Envios Flex. -
403 - Forbidden item down Item does not offer Envios Flex. Validate the shipping methods of the item.
404 - Not Found item not found Item not found. Validate the countries with Envios Flex.

Consult item status

Before activating Flex on an item, you must perform a validation to ensure that the item is in 'active' status. This can be checked by the endpoint to get an item and then consulting the 'status' attribute.


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID&attributes=status


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "status": "active",
This validation process is essential to ensure that "Flex" is active correctly when the item is in the right state.
For further reference, see List products and Items and search.

Deactivate Flex in the item

This endpoint allows you to deactivate the Flex option in the item.


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/shipping/selfservice/items/$ITEM_ID


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


Status: 204 No Content

Response status codes:

Código Message Description Recommendation
204 - No Content - Item successfully updated to stop offering Envios Flex. -
400 - Bad Request item is already in flex Item no longer has Envios Flex. -
403 - Forbidden item down Item does not offer Envios Flex. Validate the shipping methods of the item.
404 - Not Found item not found Item not found. Validate the countries with Envios Flex.

Identify the driver’s code

This endpoint allows the identification of the driver assigned to a shipment, which is useful to register changes of drivers along the delivery process.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/shipments/$SHIPMENT_ID/assignment/v1


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "driver_id": 1234

Response status codes:

Código Mensagem Description Recommendation
200 - OK - Driver assigned. -
404 - Not Found shipment_id not found Does not have a driver assigned or cannot find the open route (shipment pending delivery).
Does not exist (non-existent shipment).
Validate the status of the shipment or shipment_id.

  • For Argentina, in case the collections are made outside the seller's address, the driver will have to enter the valid alphanumeric token that can be provided by the seller. To locate the code, the seller must access the Mercado Libre page of the user, go to Settings , Selling preferences and then click on Authorization codes.
  • To receive notifications when package transactions are completed between drivers and when scanning for the first time, you can subscribe to the flex handshakes notifications.