Documentation Mercado Shops

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Shops.
circulos azuis em degrade
Last update 14/12/2023

Free shipping

Consult for a publication shipment

In this way, you can exclude Mercado Shops publications from the mandatory free shipping in Mercado Libre publications.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID/shipping


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization:  Bearer  $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Response of item in Mercado Shops and Mercado Libre:

       "channels": [
         "id": "marketplace",
         "mode: "me2",
         "logistyc_type": "cross_docking",
         "methods": [],
         "tags": [
        "dimensions": null,
        "local_pick_up": true,
        "free_shipping": true,
        "store_pick_up": false

         "id": "mshops",
         "mode: "me2",
         "logistyc_type": "cross_docking",
         "methods": [],
         "tags": [
        "dimensions": null,
        "local_pick_up": true,
        "free_shipping": true,
        "store_pick_up": false

      "default": "marketplace"

Response fields

channels: it has each of the configurations according to the channel (Mercado Shops or Mercado Libre). You can watch both channels or one depends on where the item was posted.
default: indicates the configuration found. The value may vary to mshops when it is only published in Mercado Shops.

For more information, check Mercado Envíos 1, Mercado Envíos 2 and Free shipping in marketplace listings.

Edit free shipping required

To remove free shipping in a publication that is published in both channels, you must perform the following PUT by sending free_shipping: false in the Mercado Shops channel configuration.


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID/shipping

Example delete free shipping for the Shops channel:

curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' 



   "default": "marketplace",

   "channels": [
         "mode": "me2",
         "free_methods": [
                 "rule": {
                    "default": true,
                    "value": null,
	  "local_pickup": false,
        "id": "marketplace",
         "logistyc_type": "drop_off",
         "store_pick_up": false
         "dimensions": null,
         "tags": [
         "mode": "me2",
        "methods": [],
	  "local_pickup": false,
        "id": "mshops",
         "logistyc_type": "drop_off",
         "store_pick_up": false
         "dimensions": null,
         "tags": []         


Next: Orders invoicing with coupons.