Documentation Mercado Libre

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
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Last update 18/03/2024

Management of shipping fees

Currently, all the features described in this documentation are available for MLB, MLA, MLM, MLC, MCO, MPE, MLU and MEC websites.

Query products with free shipping

This endpoint allows us to check which products are offered with free shipping.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Response with optional free shipping:

"shipping": {
	"mode": "me2",
	"methods": [],
	"tags": [
	"dimensions": null,
	"local_pick_up": false,
	"free_shipping": true,
	"logistic_type": "cross_docking",
	"store_pick_up": false

Response with mandatory free shipping:

"shipping": {
	"mode": "me2",
	"methods": [],
	"tags": [
	"dimensions": null,
	"local_pick_up": true,
	"free_shipping": true,
	"logistic_type": "xd_drop_off",
	"store_pick_up": false

Response with free shipping outside me2:

"shipping": {
	"mode": "not_specified",
	"methods": [],
	"tags": [],
	"dimensions": null,
	"local_pick_up": true,
	"free_shipping": true,
	"logistic_type": "not_specified",
	"store_pick_up": false
"shipping": {
	"mode": "me1",
	"methods": [],
	"tags": [
	"dimensions": "56x190x140,59250",
	"local_pick_up": false,
	"free_shipping": true,
	"logistic_type": "default",
	"store_pick_up": false

Response parameters:

  • shipping.mode: shipping method set up for the item.
  • shipping.tags: item shipping labels.
  • If it states "mandatory_free_shipping" it’s because the item exceeded the limit established by Mercado Libre. For these products, free shipping is mandatory. Sellers must offer free shipping or an important discount in the shipping
  • On the other hand, for products with a price lower than that limit, free shipping is optional.
  • shipping.dimensions: product dimensions in this format: height, width, length, weight.
  • shipping.local_pick_up: boolean indicator that shows if the pickup in person option is available.
  • shipping.free_shipping: boolean indicator that shows if the shipping is free.
  • shipping.logistic_type: type of shipping logistics.
  • shipping.store_pick_up: boolean indicator that shows if the pickup at the store option is available.

To get a detailed overview of the prices for free shipping, please check the following pages:

Country Marketplace
Brazil Selling fees
Argentina Selling fees
Mexico Selling fees
Chile Selling fees
Colombia Selling fees
Peru Selling fees
Uruguay Selling fees
Ecuador Selling fees
  • In some situations, Mercado Libre requires for the sellers to offer free shipping for certain articles. When MELI sets this condition, the platform subsidizes part of the shipping costs.
  • Make sure you understand MELI’s requirements and policies related to the free hipping to be able to implement this feature effectively in your sales platform.
  • When the "mandatory_free_shipping" is present, the requirement is mandatory. When the API throws this parameter, it’s important to respect it to guarantee a seamless functioning on our applications.
  • The “mandatory_free_shipping” tag applies exclusively to shipments made through Mercado Envíos 2 (ME2).
  • In shipping modes that do not correspond to ME2, sellers are free to set the shipping cost according to their preferences. This includes the option to set a shipping cost of zero, such as free shipping.
  • It is reminded that if the "mandatory_free_shipping" tag is not present, the "free_shipping" attribute can be sent as true or false. This is because the seller can choose whether or not to offer free shipping optionally.

Query shipping costs

This endpoint allows us to learn the price the seller will pay for the shipping of an item.
It can also be used to simulate shipping costs when publishing or editing an item.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/shipping_options/free?dimensions=$DIMENSIONES&verbose=$VERBOSE&item_price=$ITEM_PRICE&listing_type_id=$LISTING_TYPE&mode=$MODE&condition=$CONDITION&logistic_type=$LOGISTIC_TYPE


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN',462&verbose=true&item_price=300&listing_type_id=gold_pro&mode=me2&condition=new&logistic_type=drop_off

Acceptable query parameters:

Name Type Description Example
item_id string IItem ID. MLB23332
dimensions string Dimensions of the item (height, width, length, weight). 60x364x63,661
item_price number Unit price of the item. 123
verbose bool The verbose determines whether the discount for the shipping is included or not in the response. TRUE
condition string Item condition, which can be used or new. new
currency_id string Type of currency offered for the item. ARS
category_id string Item category. MLB23332
listing_type_id string Level of the item’s listing, which determines exposure level and certain benefits. gold_special
variation_id Number Item variation. 123213
seller_status string Indicates the level of the leading stores (Platinum, Gold, Silver). gold
seller_type string Indicates whether it's an official store or not. normal
reputation string Indicates the reputation of the seller (Red, Orange, Yellow, Light_green, Green). green
mode string Shipping method:
CrossDocking = “cross_docking”
DropShipping = “drop_off”
Fulfillment = “fulfillment”
XdDropOff = “xd_drop_off”
Flex = “self_service”
logistic_type string Logistics type (Flex, Drop Shipping, Cross Docking or Fulfillment). flex
tags string Labels with the main information about the item. They determine if the item has Flex as a logistics option. self_service
state_id string ID of the status from where the shipment originates. BRL
city_id string City from where the shipment originates. TUxDQ1BVRWRiYjBh
zipe_code number Zip code of the origin of the shipment. 35519000
- Within all the query parameters to use this endpoint, it's important to highlight that the mandatory ones are ITEM_ID or DIMENSIONS. This means that, when using this resource, it's essential to provide at least one of these two parameters in the request so that the API can be processed correctly.
- Remember that to use the ITEM_ID, it must have been previously created and be active.


    "coverage": {
        "all_country": {
            "list_cost"": 2369.99,
            "currency_id": "ARS",
            "billable_weight": 462,
            "discount": {
                "rate": 0,
                "type": "none",
                "promoted_amount": 0

Response parameters:

  • coverage: it represents the shipping coverage and contains information about costs and currency used for it.
  • coverage.all_country: within "coverage", "all_country" specifies that the information applies to nationwide shipments.
  • coverage.all_country.list_cost: shipping fee offered to the seller.
  • coverage.all_country.currency_id: currency used for the shipment fee.
  • coverage.all_country.billable_weight: billable weight of the shipment.
  • information about discounts applied to the shippino.
  • discount fee applied.
  • describes the type of discount.
  • base amount or value over which a determined discount percentage will be applied. For example, if we have a shipping fee of $200 and a 40% discount is applied, in the final response we would have: list_cost = 120, rate: 0.4 and promoted_amount = 200.

Response status codes:

Código Mesage Description Recommendation
200 - OK - The query was successfully obtained.. -
400 - Bad Request seller_id must have a value! The user does not exist. Validate the seller_id value.
404 - Not Found Item with ID {itemID} not found Item not found. Validate the seller_id value.
  • It's important to note that the array 'discount' will only be present in the response if a discount is offered. Otherwise, this array may not be included in the response.
  • This endpoint has a specific purpose and is designed to operate only with items that are available in the Marketplace of our platform.

Regarding Mercado Shops, it's important to point out that, currently, we do not have a specific API to check shipping fees. However, we want to provide valuable information related to the business rules applied, like the amounts or ranges established to offer free shipping.

Country Mshops
Brazil Fees for offering Free Shipping.
Argentina Fees for offering Free Shipping.
Mexico Fees for offering Free Shipping.
Chile Fees for offering Free Shipping.
Colombia Fees for offering Free Shipping.
Peru -
Ururguay -
Ecuador -

Siguiente: Places (xd_drop_off).