Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 30/06/2024

Display Ads

This functionality aims to improve advertisers' ability to understand and optimize the performance of their advertising campaigns. You can access relevant and up-to-date information automatically, allowing advertisers to efficiently integrate data for analysis and comparison. Sellers, agencies, and brands can:

  • Display ads for their products when their potential audience accesses any of the Mercado Libre ecosystem platforms.
  • Choose which audience to show their ads to (segmentation).
  • Create ads adapted to multiple advertising spaces quickly.
  • Display ads to users at different stages of the buying phase.
  • Set variable costs per campaign objectives instead of fixed costs per impression.

Recommended Technical Flow

  1. Advertisers (advertiser id) for display
  2. Advertisers' campaigns
  3. Campaign metrics

  4. Campaign Panel on Mercado Ads

Consult advertiser

Advertisers (advertiser_id) are those who invest a budget for the creation and distribution of advertising, with the aim of promoting their products or services. Check the list of advertisers that a user has access to, according to the type of product required.

Mandatory parameters

product_id: product type. Available values: PADS (Product Ads), DISPLAY, BADS (Brand Ads).

Optional parameters

sort_by: sorts by attribute (advertiser_id, site_id). Default advertiser_id.

sort_order: order (asc, desc). Default is desc.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Version: 1'$PRODUCT_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Version: 1'


  "advertisers": [
      "advertiser_id": 36,
      "site_id": "MLM"

Response fields

advertiser_id: advertiser identifier. You will use it for the rest of the requests.
site_id: country identifier. Consult the sites of the Mercado Libre sites and their respective currencies.
currency: currency identifier.

Consult advertiser campaigns

Optional parameters

sort_by: sorts by attribute (id, name, start_date, end_date). Default is id.
sort_order: order (asc, desc). Default is desc.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"


 "results": [
      "id": 80,
      "name": "CONVERSION_ENERO2022_MLA",
      "start_date": "2022-01-12T17:00:00",
      "end_date": "2022-01-31T23:59:00",
      "advertiser_id": 61,
      "type": "GUARANTEED",
      "status": "paused",
      "site_id": "MLA"

Response fields

id: campaign id. Use the id to consult campaign metrics.
name: campaign name.
start_date: campaign start date.
end_date: campaign end date.
advertiser_id: advertiser id
type: campaign type.
status: campaign status.
site_id: country.

Campaign metrics query

The results of this endpoint will be the metrics per day and a summary for the campaign date range. You can consult up to 90 days ago, considering September 1, 2022 as the initial date.

Mandatory parameters

date_from: date since of the query in format YYYY-MM-DD.
date_to: date until query in format YYYY-MM-DD.

Optional parameters

sort_by: order by attribute: id, name, start_date, end_date. Default is id.
sort_order: order ascending (asc) and descending (desc). Default is desc.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns/$CAMPAIGN_ID/metrics?date_from=YYYY-MM-DD&date_to=YYYY-MM-DD


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"



Response fields

date: campaign date.
prints: impressions. It's the number of times your ads were shown.
clicks: number of times users clicked on your ads.
reach: Reach. It's the number of unique users who saw your ads.
ctr: Click-Through Rate. Clicks received as a percentage of total impressions.
consumed_budget: Investment: It's the amount of money actually spent to show your ads.
cpm: average cost paid for each thousand impressions of the ads.
cpc: Cost per Click. It's the average cost paid for each click received on the ads.
average_frequency: Average frequency. Average number of times your ads were shown to the same user.

Attribution metrics have two ways of being presented:

Event Time Attribution Metrics (event_time): metrics will be shown associated with the exact date the action was taken (e.g., Sales).
Touchpoint Attribution Metrics (touch_point): metrics will be shown associated with the date of the click or visible impression to which they were attributed.

  • cpa_order: average cost of each sale based on investment.
  • cpa_ppv: average cost of each product page view based on investment.
  • roas: return on advertising spend.
  • atribution_order:
  • units_quantity: quantity of units of your products sold across all purchases attributed to your ads.
  • direct_amount (revenue): total value of sales attributed to your ads.
  • direct_item_quantity: number of times users made a purchase after viewing or clicking on your ads.
  • attribution_ppv (product page views): number of times users visited your product page after viewing or clicking on your ads.
  • attribution_add_to_cart: number of times users added your promoted products to the shopping cart after viewing or clicking on your ads.
  • attribution_bookmark: number of times users bookmarked your promoted products after viewing or clicking on your ads.
  • attribution_checkout: number of times users initiated a purchase process of your promoted products after viewing or clicking on your ads.


Error Status Message
bad_request 400 The parameter {paramKey} is required.
not_found 404 No campaigns found for advertiser id {advertiser_id} Campaign not found for sent campaign_id.